Cruise the 209 with Bike Stockton

We are Stockton’s e-bikeshare

Phone app

How it works


Sign up

Download the Bike Stockton app to your mobile device and choose your pass to get started.



Scan the QR code on the handle bar using the app to unlock the bike.



Remove the lock tether and place it on the hook under the seat. Grab your helmet and enjoy the ride!



Roll your bike to a bike rack and use the tether to secure your bike to the rack. ALWAYS lock the bike with the cable to a Bike Stockton rack. Then, submit a photo to end your ride.

Get the app now!

The Bike Stockton mobile app for iPhone and Android is the perfect companion when you’re out and about.

Membership Details

Use the “HOLD” feature if you need to lock the bike temporarily to avoid any parking costs.
Put a bike on hold before locking it to a rack to keep it in your name. Your card will still be charged for the time the bike is placed on hold.
The clock starts on your trip when you reserve a bike via mobile/web.

To learn more about the Stockton Mobility Collective’s Mobility Incentives program, click here.


Follow the rules

Yield to pedestrians. Stop at all red lights and stop signs. Ride in the direction of traffic. Use the grip bell to signal your presence. Do not wear more than one earphone while riding. Obey traffic laws at all times.

Plan a sensible route

Plan your route before you ride to follow the safest route to your destination. You can use our app to find your way to a bike you’ve reserved or to a hub when you want to end your ride.

Do a pre-ride check

Adjust the seat height; try the grip bell; and if you’re riding at night, check that the front and rear lights are illuminated.

Be predictable

Make it easy for the traffic around you. Don’t make unexpected turns that put yourself and others in danger. Ride at a steady pace so other vehicles can anticipate your movement.

Wear a helmet

Whenever you ride, wear a helmet. Always buckle the strap. Replace your helmet after any crash and whenever you see signs of damage.

Tips for turns

Use hand signals to let drivers and other cyclists know your intention to turn or to stop. Don’t turn or change lanes without knowing the position of the cars and bikes around you.